Litany to Osiris and Royal ancestors
Papyrus Turin Cat. 1877 features a litany to Osiris and royal ancestors on the recto, and a collection of administrative texts on the verso. The list of Osiris' names mirrors Spell 142 of the Book of the Dead, to which the scribe added the names of prominent pharaohs, queens, and princesses from the 18th and early 19th Dynasties. Most of these royal figures are members of the family of Ramses II, indicating that the recto likely dates to his reign, while the verso may have been added slightly later during the Ramesside Period. The rare association of Osiris' names with those of royalty suggests that the papyrus was likely used in a cultic context, offering a fascinating example of a Book of the Dead spell adapted for ritual use.
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Ramesside period
Thebes/Deir el-Medina (?)
Acquisition: Drovetti, Bernardino
Acquisition Date: 1824
I,x+1 Osiris [ ]
I,x+2 Osiris [ ]
I,x+3 Osiris [ ]
I,x+4 Osiris [in] his places that are in [Upper Egypt].
I,x+5 Osiris [in] his places that are in [Lower Egypt].
I,x+6 Osiris [in] the sky.
I,x+7 Osiris in his places [that are in Ro-setau].
I,x+8 Osiris Nedjes.
I,x+9 Osiris Itefa-wer.
I,x+10 Osiris Sokar.
I,x+11Osiris ruler of eternity.
I,x+12Osiris lord of Heliopolis.
I,x+13Osiris <in> Ruty-iset.
II,1 [Osiris ].
II,2 [Osiris ].
II,3 Osiris in Sia.
II,4 Osiris in Bedesh.
II,5 Osiris in Dep (Buto).
II,6 Osiris in [upper] Sais.
II,7 Osiris in Peretes (?).
II,8 Osiris in Shenu.
II,9 Osiris in Henket.
II,10 Osiris in the Land of Sokar.
II,11 Osiris in Shau.
II,12 Osiris as He-who-carries-Horus.
II,13 Osiris in Maaty.
II,14 Osiris in Heni.
II,15 Osiris in Ba-[of-the-father].
II,16 Osiris in the South Chapel.
II,17 Osiris in the North Chapel.
II,18 Osiris, lord of eternity, king [of the gods].
II,19 Osiris in the nome of Abydos.
II,20 Osiris in Isheru.
II,21 Osiris in every land.
II,22 [Wepwaw]et of Upper Egypt.
II,23 [Wepwawet] of Lower Egypt.
II,24 [Atum], bull of the [great] Ennead.
II,25 [Ra]-Horakhty.
II,26 [Ptah], excellent [djed-pillar], throne [of Ra].
II,27 [Geb], prince of the gods.
II,28 [Horus] the victorious.
II,29 [Horus]-son-of Isis.
II,x+30 [ ] ?
II,x+31 [Iunmut]ef, he who purifies Per-wer.
II,x+32 [Hor-sekh]a.
III,1 [Osiris sovereign] in Abydo[s].
III,2 [Osiris sove]reign in the middle of To-she.
III,3 Osiris Ptah lord of Life in Memphis.
III,4 Osiris lord of strength who tramples the enemies.
III,5 Osiris Herishef in Heracleopolis.
III,6 Osiris, bull in Kem-wer, in the middle of Kem-wer (Athribis).
III,7 Osiris the breather, Wepwawet of Upper Egypt.
III,8 Osiris in all his names, in all his places, in each location in which (he) is.
III,9 Horus who protects his father, son of Isis, heir of Osiris.
III,10 Horus son of Osiris, he who justifies, in all his names, in all the places, in each location in which (he) is.
III,11 Isis divine in all her names.
III,12 Anubis foremost of the pavilion in all his names.
III,13 [ ].
IV,1 Osiris, king (Aakheperrenra)|, son of Ra (Thutmosis)| (Thutmosis II).
IV,2 Osiris, king (Aakheperkara)|, son of Ra (Thutmosis)| (Thutmosis I).
IV,3 Osiris, king, (Djeserkara)|, son of Ra (Amenhotep)| (Amenhotep I).
IV,4 Osiris (Nebpehtyra)|, son of Ra (Ahmosis)|.
IV,5 Osiris (Kheperkara)|, son of Ra (Sesostris)| (Sesostris I).
IV,6 Divine wife of Amun (Ahmes-Nefertary)| (wife of Ahmosis).
IV,7 Divine wife, (royal) mother (Tuti)| (mother of Ramses II).
IV,8 Great king’s wife (Nefertary)| beloved of Mut (wife of Ramses II).
IV,9 King’s daughter, (king’s) wife (Merytamun [ )| ] (daughter of Ramses II).
IV,10 King’s daughter, king’s wife (Nebettauy)| (daughter of Ramses II).
IV,11 King’s daughter, king’s wife (Batanat)| (daughter of Ramses II).
IV,12 King’s daughter, king’s wife [( )|].
Giuseppina Lenzo (GL)
Susanne Töpfer (ST)
Litany to Osiris
ancestor, Kings, List of names, Princesses, gods, Royal names, spell 142, Queens
Herakleopolis (Hw.t-nn-nswt), Sais (zAw), Rosetau (r'-sTA.w), Dep (=Buto, dp), Memphis (Hw.t-kA-ptH), Abydos (AbDw)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 19 (1292-1191 BC)
Ramesses II (Usermaatre Setepenre)
Col. I. 1 - 5
1 Horus,
2 strong bull, great of
3 victories, who makes the Two Lands live
4 the Two Ladies
[ ]
Col. II. 1 - 9
1 May Horus the strong bull live, [great of victories],
2 powerful of arm, who prevails over [the hundreds of thousands], <powerful of> years,
3 like Tatenen, sovereign of the Sed(-festival).
4 [ ]
5 [ ] may he live, be prosper and be healthy.
6 [ ] Thebes.
7 [ ]
8 [ ] may he live, be prosper and be healthy.
9 [ ] the hundreds of thousands [ ].
Giuseppina Lenzo (GL)
Susanne Töpfer (ST)
Royal titulatury
Royal names
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses VI (Nebmaatre-Meriamun)
Lenzo, in: RiME 6 (2022) (online)
Giuseppina Lenzo (GL)
Susanne Töpfer (ST)
Literary text
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Ramesside period
Lenzo, in: RiME 6 (2022) (online)
Year 1 (?) [month ?] of the peret season [ ], day 3 ? [ ] ?
Giuseppina Lenzo (GL)
Susanne Töpfer (ST)
Administrative text
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Ramesside period
Lenzo, in: RiME 6 (2022) (online)