Suppl. 17507/002 is a fragmentary papyrus containing an administrative journal. The papyrus is divided into several dates, namely day 26 until day 1 of a following unmentioned month. Small squares have been drawn on the papyrus in which amounts of grain are noted, beneath the grain amounts is the name of the person who received it. The place of origin of the grain Coptos (modern town of Qift) is mentioned in the horizontal rows at the top edge of the text in red ink.
Old Kingdom (2650-2160 BC)
Dynasty 4 (2613-2494 BC)
Excavation: Farina, Giulio
Excavation Date: 1935
Juan José Archidona Ramírez (JJAR)
Journal, Administrative text
grain rations
Old Kingdom (2650-2160 BC)
Dynasty 4 (2613-2494 BC)
Posner-Kriéger, I Papiri di Gebelein, pp. 21-22, pls. 48-52 (OEB 154697)
Posner-Kriéger, in RdE 27, pp. 211-221(OEB 18648)