Inventory number


  • Document
  • Writing Recto

General description


The papyrus Cat. 2117 is inscribed with the final columns of a composition known today by Egyptologists as the so-called Glorifications. This composition is a compilation of 18 or 16 spells (depending on the subdivision of the text) that were used in the cult of the god Osiris in Abydos. The main purpose of these spells is to assert “that the dead will be revived, protected, nourished, and accepted among the underworld gods and their followers” (quote Smith, Traversing Eternity, 2009, p. 11).

The owner of the manuscript is names Herisenef, son of the mistress of the house Tamyt, who hold the position of a “shrine opener/pastophoros of the Gold House of Amun”.

Temporary exhibition : The Gift of Thoth


Graeco-Roman Period (332 BC-565 AD)


Macedonian Period (332-311 BC)


Alexander the Great



Acquisition: Drovetti, Bernardino

Acquisition Date: 1824

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  • Text 1


  • Hieroglyphs
    • Hieroglyphs
    • Hieroglyphs


Cat. 2117, Text Recto

First invocation

(rt, col.1.1) Glorification of the Osiris of the shrine opener/pastophoros of the Gold House of

(rt, col.1.2) [Amun Herisenef, justified, whom the mistress of the house,] Tamyt, justified, [has born]. Geb has brought for you your two sisters

(rt, col.1.3) [to your side. It is Isis together with Nephthys. Horus has caused] that the gods assemble/join with you, that they are brotherly towards you in their name 

(rt, col.1.4) [of the two senut-shrines].

Second invocation

(rt, col.1.4) [Hail Osiris], foremost of the West, hail the Osiris of Herisenef, 

(rt, col.1.5) [justified, whom Tamyt, justified, has born], you are alive like/as the living one (the beetle), you will be protected in Mendes. 

(rt, col.1.6) [Isis and Nephthys will exercise protection for you] in Sais, for [their] lord which you are, in your name 

(rt, col.1.7) [of lord of Sais …] the guardian(?) […]

Third invocation

(rt, col.1.7) Hail Osiris, foremost of the West, 

(rt, col.1.8) [hail the Osiris of Herisenef,] justified, [whom the mistress of the house Tam]yt, justified, [has born], 

(rt, col.1.9) [quench your thirst in the great w]ell, [your arms towards the Nile inundation.] 

(rt, col.1.10) [It will come for you like that which is done for Re. It will break open the river.] You [will live,] being alive. 

(rt, col.1.11) [You will be honoured, being honoured. You will be effective, being effective. The ankh-sign and the was-sceptre of Re will be given to you, so that] you are protected from (rt, col.1.12) [your enemies.]

Fourth invocation

(rt, col.1.12) [Hail Osiris, foremost of the West, hail the Osiris of Heri]senef, justified, 

(rt, col.1.13) your son [Horus is it. Horus, he will protect y ou,] he [rescue]d you, he saved you from 

(rt, col.1.14) your enemies. He will cut [off] for you the heads of [your] foe[s,] while you are [count]ed as god among the gods, 

(rt, col.1.15) while you are [safe]. Your enemies do not exist. The barque of Re was led for you. Wepwawet, he will guide you 

(rt, col.1.16) [to every place] where your ka desires (to go).

Fifth invocation

(rt, col.1.16) Another: O bringer of bas, who cuts off 

(rt, col.1.17) [shadows], o all these gods, who are at the head of the living, may you bring the ba of 

(rt, col.2.1) Osiris, foremost of the West for/to him, may you bring the ba of the Osiris of Herisenef, justified, for/to him. 

(rt, col.2.2) May you unite his body for him, that his heart may be glad. His son will come at the (correct) time according to his wish. May the ba embrace/unite 

(rt, col.2.3) the body and his heart. Bring them for him, gods, in the Benben-house in Heliopolis, in the presence of Shu, 

(rt, col.2.4) the son of Atum. His ib-heart is for/belongs to him like Re, his hati-heart is for/belongs to him like Khepri. Purification, twice, for 

(rt, col.2.5) your ka and your body, your ba and your shadow, your corpse and your noble mummy, Osiris, foremost of the West, 

(rt, col.2.6) your noble mummy, the Osiris of Herisenef, justified.

Sixth invocation

(rt, col.2.6) Remembrance. Hail, twice, 

(rt, col.2.7) Osiris, foremost of the West, hail, [twice,] the Osiris of Herisenef, justified, come and raise yourself! You are 

(rt, col.2.8) risen. [Horus has overthrown] your enemies and he has placed him (= the enemy = Seth) under <you>. You will be [here] in Busiris, 

(rt, col.2.9) [this your seat,] where [your ka wants to be. Your son Horus has] greet[ed you.] He [will fell] your enemies.                                                                                                                                    

(rt, col.210) [The two sisters will remem]ber [you] with [their] mourning. [They will mourn/wail] at the door 

(rt, col.2.11) of your Wabet.

Seventh invocation

(rt, col.2.11) [Hail Osiris], foremost of the West, hail [the Osiris of H]erisenef, 

(rt, col.2.12) [Horus] has [[raised you]] watched over you since the darkness. He will drive away for you 

(rt, col.2.13) the rebels from the pla[ce], where you are. <He> will light for you the heat(?) of the torch 

(rt, col.2.14) on the arms of Reret. He will inundate for you the wick of bright-red lin[en]. He will cause you to ascend 

(rt, col.2.15) to your two sisters, and they will exercise protection around you. You will rise up, (rt, col.2.16) twice, you will be strong, twice, Osiris, foremost of the West! You will rise up, twice, you will be strong, twice, 

(rt, col.2.17) the Osiris of Herisenef, justified, whom the mistress of the house Tamyt, justified, has born!

Eighth invocation

(rt, col.3.1) Hail Osiris, foremost of the West, hail 

(rt, col.3.2) the Osiris of Herisenef, justified. You will cause 

(rt, col.3.3) them to descend to the barque of Re, 

(rt, col.3.4) together with you (and) the ones who are in the horizon. Raise yourself up, 

(rt, col.3.5) god, in peace! Your son

(rt, col.3.6) Horus, he will fell your enemies. 

(rt, col.3.7) Horus will sail you in the barque of 

(rt, col.3.8) Re. He has led you <to> the ones who are in the horizon 

(rt, col.3.9) and the underworld, (so that) you rise/shine in your tomb, 

(rt, col.3.10) [the lord of life]. Those who are in 

(rt, col.3.11) the [two] rows of shrines [will pra]ise you. They will show veneration [for] 

(rt, col.3.12) [your two] serpent goddesses, and adoration <for> the one who is on your head (i.e. uraeus).

Ninth invocation

(rt, col.3.12) Hail 

(rt, col.3.13) Osiris, foremost of the West, hail the Osiris of Herisenef, 

(rt, col.3.14) justified. They will remember 

(rt, col.3.15) your ka among the gods. The ones who are in 

(rt, col.3.16) the horizon will make you live. They will extend their arms towards you. 

(rt, col.3.17) They will protect your limbs for you. 

(rt, col.3.18) One will provide food for you in 

(rt, col.3.19) the Sacred Land and your provisions on the altar of the god.


Ann-Katrin Gill (AKG)


Susanne Töpfer (ST)



Text type

Religious text, Glorification text


enemy, body parts, inundation, invocation, justification, protection

Place name

Tempel in Heliopolis (Hw.t-bnbn), Mendes (Dd.t), Busiris (Dd.w)


Graeco-Roman Period (332 BC-565 AD)


Macedonian Period (332-311 BC)


Alexander the Great



Drawing description


Bibliographical reference

Gill, The "Glorifications" of Herisenef; DOI:    

Museo Egizio