in preparation
Third Intermediate Period (1076-664 BC)
Dynasty 23 (LE) (804-750 BC)
Thebes (?)
Acquisition: Drovetti, Bernardino
Acquisition Date: 1824
col. 2-1: Words said by Ra-Horakhty-Atum, Lord of the Two Lands and of Southern Heliopolis.
3-4-5-6: Osiris, Lord of Heaven, may he give offerings and provisions to the osiris, beloved of the god, (Paenu)peg, justified.
Giulia Nardella (GN)
cursive hieroglyphs, hieratic
Book of the Dead, Unidentified
spell, spell 023, spell 162
Djadjat (DADA.t), West/Underworld (imn.t), Southern Sky (p.t-rsy), Heliopolis (iwnw), Igeret (igr.t), Netherworld (dwA.t)
Third Intermediate Period (1076-664 BC)
Dynasty 23 (LE) (804-750 BC)
The deceased carries a bud over his head and wears a pleated garment. He raises his arms in adoration towards Ra-Horakhty-Atum, depicted sitting on a throne raised by a pedestal. The god has a mummified body and a falcon head, with a solar disc on the head which is encircled by an uraeus. The deity holds the the heqa-sceptre and the whip in his hands. Between the two figures is an offering table richly loaded with supplies (bread, fruit, meat), that also surmounts three exemplars of the sacred Osirian plants. The entire scene, completely drawn in black, is enclosed by a double-line, representing an architectural structure supported – on the only visible side – by a was-sceptre. Six columns of cursive hieroglyphic text are written above the scene.
Lenzo 2007, pp. 141-165, pl. 51-54a (OEB 172948)
Lenzo 2004
Lenzo 2002, p. 275
Fabretti - Rossi - Lanzone, pp. 233-4