The Turin Strike Papyrus
The so-called “Strike Papyrus” is a hieratic (a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing) administrative papyrus reporting the news of a strike that took place during the reign of Ramses III. The report on the papyrus was written by Amunnakht, scribe of the “Goldmine Papyrus” and the “Tomb Plan”.
The political and economic difficulties during this time resulted in the suspension of rations to the workmen, which triggered a lengthy conflict between the villagers and the government authorities. The workmen first broke off their work in November and spent several days in the necropolis of Thebes, and later in the temple of Thutmose III and in that of Ramesses II, while requesting the authorities to deliver to them the grain rations that had not been paid to them that month. The authorities paid the due amount of grain to the workmen, but several days later they strike again, this time seeking refuge in the temple of Seti I. The authorities order the return of the workmen to the village, but they refuse, saying that they want to complain about their poor working conditions directly with the Pharaoh.
The rest of the papyrus records the statement of a workman regarding the crimes of three other workmen, a small memorandum about the death of a scribe from the village, an attendance sheet, an account of items given by Userhat to his former wife, as well as several oaths, and texts dealing with the distribution of grain.
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Thebes/Deir el-Medina (?)
Acquisition: Drovetti, Bernardino
Acquisition Date: 1824
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Matthias Müller (MM), Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG)
Necropolis, strike, temple, working
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 139 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, p. 117, 119 (OEB 206710)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp.
168-176 (OEB 33812)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
52-53 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp. 180 no. 5 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, pp. 90, 121 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
working, strike
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 139 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, p. 117 (OEB 206710)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp.
176-177 (OEB 33812)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp. 53
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p.180 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 121 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
Pharaoh, Necropolis, grain, grain rations, temple, strike, working
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, pp. 139–140 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, p. 117 (OEB 206710)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp.
177–179 (OEB 33812)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 53
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp.180–181 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp. 179–185 (OEB
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 54
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I p. 181 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 90 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
strike, Pharaoh, passing (guard posts), guard post, Necropolis, workmen, tomb (private), working
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Baer, in Or. 34/4, p. 431 (OEB 11137)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 139 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp.
176-178 (OEB 33812)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
52–53 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 181–182 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, pp. 101, 122, 139–140 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
festival, grain rations, statue, strike, superiors, working, workmen
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 140 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp. 188–192 (OEB 33812)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 53 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 313 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 182 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 101 (OEB 31525
Rosmorduc, in Aere Perennius, pp. 677-683 (OEB 233180)
Vernus, in RdÉ XXXII, pp. x (OEB 22920)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
grain, river-bank, strike, working, workmen
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri, p. 310, no. 276
(OEB 16032)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 141 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, pp. 115, 122 (OEB 206710)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp. 189–192 (OEB
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
56–57 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 314 (OEB 49907)
Müller, TUAT.NF I, p. 182 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, pp. 102,
122–123 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
passing (guard posts), strike, grain, guard post, gang, working, temple
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 141 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, p. 115 (OEB 206710)
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, p. 192 (OEB
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 57
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 314 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 183 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 123 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
Memorandum, Note, Event
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 58
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 314 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 184 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
Juridical text
complaint, working
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, pp. 141–142 (OEB
Frandsen, in Studies Lichtheim I, pp.
193–199 (OEB
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
57–58 no. XVIII (OEB
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p.
314 (OEB 49907)
McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt, pp.
192–193, no. 147 (OEB 40440)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 183 (OEB
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
Juridical text
complaint, tomb (royal), working
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 58
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 314 (OEB 49907)
McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt, p. 36, no. 12 (OEB 40440)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 184 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
Memorandum, Legal text
deposition, oil
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 58 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 318 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 184 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 123 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
service personnel (smd.t)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp. 45–46 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 176 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
service personnel (smd.t)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Černý, Community of workmen, pp. 188–189 (OEB 16154)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 142 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
46–47 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 304 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp. 176–177 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
property, payment, oath
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Allam, Hieratische Ostraka und Papyri, pp. 310-312,
no. 276 (OEB 16032)
Černý, Community of workmen, pp. 185-186,
188 (OEB
Edgerton, in JNES 10, pp. 142-143 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
47-48 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 306 (OEB 49907)
McDowell, Village Life in Ancient Egypt, pp. 235-236, no. 187 (OEB 40440)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp. 176–177 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
oath, service personnel (smd.t)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 143 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 49
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 306 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp. 178 (OEB 180335)
Polis, in Ramesside Stories, pp. 387–401 (OEB 163070)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
passing (guard posts), Necropolis, workmen, temple
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 143 (OEB 2837)
Frandsen, in JEA 75, p. 117 (OEB 206710)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 49
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 309 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 178 (OEB 180335)
Ventura, Living in a city of the dead, p. 121 (OEB 31525)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
bread, cakes
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 143 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
48-49 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 308 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 178 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
grain rations
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 144 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 50
no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 310 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 178 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 143 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp. 50–51 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, pp. 178–179 (OEB 180335)
English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 144 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 51 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 179 (OEB 180335)English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Matthias Müller (MM), Kathrin Gabler (KG)
strike, temple
Thebes (niw.t)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 144 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, pp.
51-52 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Helck, Die datierten und datierbaren Ostraka, p. 315 (OEB 49907)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 179 (OEB 180335)English translation in preparation
for the German translation log in
for the French translation log in or see Ramses Online (ID 453)
Anne-Claude Honnay (ACH, Ramses Online)
Kathrin Gabler (KG), Matthias Müller (MM)
New Kingdom (1539-1077 BC)
Dynasty 20 (1190-1077 BC)
Ramesses III (Usermaatre Meriamun)
Edgerton, in JNES 10, p. 144, note 58 (OEB 2837)
Gardiner, Ramesside administrative documents, p. 52 no. XVIII (OEB 139987)
Müller, in TUAT.NF I, p. 179 (OEB 180335)