Papiro dell’Amduat di Djedkhonsuiuefankh
Il papiro Cat. 1779 presenta vignette tratte dai capitoli 85, 130, 148 e 149 del Libro dei Morti e scene provenienti dalla Decima, Undicesima e Dodicesima ora dell’Amduat. Sulla destra del manoscritto, la cosiddetta etichetta riporta una scena di libagione fra Osiride assiso in trono e il proprietario del papiro.
La struttura concettuale del manoscritto consiste di due registri orizzontali che accostano paratatticamente diversi episodi legati alla dimensione oltremondana, decontestualizzati e giustapposti uno all’altro mediante processi analitici e simbolici.
Dalla sinistra alla destra del manoscritto, il registro superiore presenta le seguenti scene: le vignette dei capitoli 148, 130 e 85 del Libro dei Morti, Gli occhi del Sole (Amduat, Decima ora) e Le dee sui serpenti (Amduat, Undicesima ora).
Sempre dalla sinistra alla destra del manoscritto, il registro inferiore presenta invece le seguenti scene: la vignetta del capitolo 149 del Libro dei Morti, Gli annegati (Amduat, Decima ora), Le dodici dee con i serpenti (Amduat, Dodicesima ora), Gli armati (Amduat, Decima ora) o La schiera dei rematori (Amduat, Dodicesima ora) e La mummia di Osiride (Amduat, Dodicesima ora).
Sulla destra, fra i due registri, lo scriba riporta uno scarabeo, Khepri, l’aspetto rigenerato del disco solare all’alba che si appresta a emergere dall’Oltretomba tramite il passaggio creato dalle braccia del dio Shu (Amduat, Dodicesima ora).
L’etichetta, sulla destra del manoscritto, raffigura il defunto, Djedkhonsuiuefankh, mentre compie una libagione su una tavola di offerta posta di fronte a Osiride assiso in trono.
Third Intermediate Period (1076-664 BC)
Dynasty 21/Dynasty 22 (986-840 BC)
Thebes (?)
Acquisizione: Drovetti, Bernardino
Data acquisizione: 1824
Reg. 2
Prima etichetta (l. 1)
{Descrizione} di ciò che è nella Duat.
Seconda etichetta (col. 1-3)
Il primo tumulo che è nella Duat, colui che presiede l’Occidente (Cfr. Osiride).
Scena di offerta (col 1-8)
Parole dette da Osiride, signore dell’eternità, colui che presiede l’Occidente:
(dittografia: «Essi concedano») «Essi concedano un’offerta {a} Osiride, sacerdote di Amon, sovrintendente della necropoli ? degli stranieri ?, ? di Amon-Ra, Djedkhonsuiuefankh».
Enrico Pozzi (EP)
Shenali Boange (SB)
cursive hieroglyphs
Amduat, Book of the Dead
Eleventh Hour, spell 085, spell 130, spell 148, spell 149, Tenth Hour, Twelfth Hour
Netherworld (dwA.t)
Third Intermediate Period (1076-664 BC)
Dynasty 21/Dynasty 22 (986-840 BC)
The manuscript’s visual representation describes the Sun-god Re's nocturnal journey through the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Hours of the night. The treatise’s visual model does not resemble the prototype established that decorates the 18th Dynasty royal burial chambers in the Valley of the Kings. The scribe arranges the scenes without following the treatise’s standard protocol and presents the episodes according to his discretion. Therefore, several deities are missing from these episodes (deities 698, 699, 700, 737-745 in the Tenth Hour, deities 825-833 in the Twelfth Hour). The treatise's structure consists of two horizontal registers presenting excerpts of the deities from the last three netherworld regions. In the top register from left to right, the scribe presents the cow goddess Hathor with a crown of plumes, a wedjat-eye and a paddle, all as the deceased’s providers of offerings and rebirth. The following scene represents a vessel transporting the sun's hypostasis: the scribe uses this vignette intending to secure a place for the deceased in the solar barque next to Re. The third episode presents the theme of transformation in which the deceased overcomes the stillness of death by taking the forms of the two bA-birds depicted here. In New Kingdom inscriptions, the “living bA-soul” is one of the forms most often wished for by the deceased. Thus, the deceased asserts his identity as the bA-soul of Re, the creator Sun-god, and purifies himself in this eternal manifestation to be able to stand in the presence of Osiris. The following scene presents the healing of the Sun-god’s eyes: the left eye, mann.wy (The double-coiled), emerges from two snakes between two deities, one bearing the red crown and the other bearing the white crown (symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt), whilst the right eye, sdfy.t (The wrapped (staff?)), usually depicted as coming out from the top of the hieroglyphic sign for “god”, is not represented. This register’s last scene presents one of the Netherworld’s apotropaic features and depicts five goddesses riding snakes: their task is to bring Re’s bidding in the sky to fruition by guarding and protecting the Sun-god. In the bottom register, from left to right alongside the papyrus’ first etiquette, the scribe presents a snake coming out of a cave. Below this vignette, the scribe presents the Netherworld’s merciful feature in which Horus’ hypostasis (here absent) uses magic spells to assist three drowned corpses. This scene shows how the divine intervention of Horus can intercede for those who do not have the required funeral ritual arrangements as they have died an unfortunate or violent death or their bodies are missing or have drowned (like Osiris). The following scenes represent three goddesses with (fire-spitting) snakes on their shoulders, punishing Re’s nemesis Apophis and brightening the Netherworld’s darkness. This is followed by four rowers of the solar barque with solar disks instead of heads. This register’s last scene shows sSm-iwf (Image of the flesh), the corpse of Osiris who is restricted into the Netherworld's boundaries; above his mummy is the papyrus’ second etiquette. On the manuscript's right-hand side, between the two registers, the scribe presents a beetle (Khepri), the Sun-god in his renewed form. Here he exits the Netherworld by travelling through the outstretched arms of the air-god Shu to be reborn as the sun disk at dawn. On the manuscript's far right-hand side, the etiquette shows the deceased, Djedkhonsuiuefankh, offering funerary supplies and making a libation in front of Osiris.
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die Schrift des verborgenen Raumes, Teil I–III (ÄA 7 und 13), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1963-1967 (OEB10071-12422).
Niwinski A., Studies on the Illustrated Theban Funerary Papyri of the 11th and 10th Centuries B.C. (OBO 86), Fribourg / Göttingen: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck Ruprecht 1989 (OEB 32792).
Quirke S., Going out in Daylight. prt m hrw. The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead: translation, sources, meanings (GHP Egyptology 20), London: Golden House Publications 2013 (OEB197753).
Sadek, A-A F., Contribution à l’étude de l’Amdouat: Les variantes tardives du Livre de l’Amdouat dans les papyrus du Musée du Caire (OBO 65), Freiburg / Göttingen: Universitätsverlag / Vandenhoeck Ruprecht 1985 (OEB 29751).