The mission of the Museo Egizio is to produce knowledge on the basis of research that fosters sustainability. The curatorial department is studying the collection and engaging in research projects. Currently two PhD and one PostDoc project are financed by the Museo Egizio focusing on the publication of our papyri.
Botti, Giuseppe, L’archivio demotico da Deir el Medineh, Firenze 1967.
Buzi, Paola and Tito Orlandi (eds), The Coptic Codices of the Museo Egizio, Turin: Historical, Literary and Codicological Features, Studi del Museo Egizio 4, Torino 2023; available open access.
Demarée, Robert and Dominique Valbelle, Les registres de recensement du village de Deir el-Médineh (le “Stato civile”), Leuven 2011.
Demichelis, Sara, Andrea Fanciulli and Susanne Töpfer, “New Kingdom Hieratic Material in the Museo Egizio in Turin”, in: Crossing Boundaries (ed.), New Kingdom Hieratic Collections From Around the World, Vol. 2, Ægyptiaca Leodiensia, 13.2, Liège 2024, pp. 167-196; online resource.
Demichelis, Sara, “Ricomporre frammenti. Lavori in corso tra i papiri del Museo Egizio di Torino”, Memorie dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Serie V, Vol. 40 (2016), pp. 3-44.
Fabretti, Ariodante, Francesco Rossi and Ridolfo V. Lanzone, Regio Museo di Torino. Antichità egizie (Catalogo generale dei musei di antichità e degli oggetti d’arte raccolti nelle gallerie e biblioteche del regno, 1. Piemonte), Torino 1882 and 1888.
Gardiner, Allan H., The Royal Canon of Turin, Oxford 1959.
Harrell, James A. and V. Max Brown, “The Oldest Surviving Topographical Map from Ancient Egypt (Turin Papyri 1879, 1899, 1969)”, JARCE 29 (1992), pp. 81–105.
Lepsius, Richard, Das Todtenbuch der Ägypter (nach dem hieroglyphischen Papyrus in Turin), Leipzig 1842.
Moiso, Beppe, La storia del Museo Egizio, Modena 2016.
Omlin, Joseph A., Der Papyrus 55001 und seine satirisch-erotischen Zeichnungen und Inschriften, Turin 1973.
Pestman, Pieter W., L’archivio di Amenothes, figlio di Horos: Testi demotici e greci relativi ad una famiglia di imbalsamatori del II sec. a.C., Milano 1981.
Pleyte, Willem and Francesco Rossi, Papyrus de Turin: Texte et Planches, Leiden 1869–1876.
Posener-Kriéger, Paule, I papiri di Gebelein: scavi G. Farina 1935 (edited by Sara Demichelis), Torino 2004.
Roccati, Alessandro, Amerigo Bruna and Pieter W. Pestmann, “Supporti scrittori”, in: Anna Maria Donadoni Roveri (ed.), Dal museo al museo: passato e futuro del Museo Egizio di Torino, Torino 1989, pp. 118-30.
Roccati, Alessandro, Magica Taurinensia. Il grande Papiro Magico di Torino e i suoi duplicati, Roma 2011.
Töpfer, Susanne, “The Turin Papyrus Online Platform (TPOP): An Introduction”, Rivista del Museo Egizio 2 (2018); available open access.
Töpfer, Susanne, "Some Turin Papyri Revisited: A Look at Material Features and Scribal Practices". in: Marilina Betrò , Michael Friedrich and Cécile Michel (eds), The Ancient World Revisited: Material Dimensions of Written Artefacts, Studies in Manuscript Cultures 37, Berlin 2024, pp. 221-240; available open access.
Töpfer, Susanne, “Demotic Papyrus Archives in the Museo Egizio – Past, Present and Future Research(ers)”, in: G. Miniaci, C. Greco, P. Del Vesco, M. Mancini and C. Alù (eds), The Materiality of Ancient Egypt: Objects and Museums. Studies presented to Marilina Betrò, Egittologia 4, Pisa 2024, pp. 165-174.
Töpfer, Susanne, “Infographics in Museums: The Use of Graphic Visual Representations in the Mediation of Textual Content on Papyri”, in: M. Geoga, A. Motte and J. Jurjens (eds), Looking Beyond the Text: New Approaches to Scribal Culture and Practices in Ancient Egypt, Harvard Egyptological Studies 27, Leiden 2025, pp. 307-336; online resource.
Uggetti, Lorenzo, Les archives bilingues de Totoès et de Tatéhathyris. Histoire. Université Paris sciences et lettres, Dissertation 2018; open access.