The mission of the Museo Egizio is to produce knowledge on the basis of research that fosters sustainability. We are collaborating with a number of researchers and conservators in order to make both the Turin papyri themselves and the research done on them understandable and accessible to the scholarly community and the non-Egyptologist public.
Research projects MA-thesis
Ludovica Basso, Il papiro greco Cat. 2150 del Museo Egizio di Torino (University of Turin); ongoing
Aurora Castiglione, Una nuova edizione del Papiro Magico di Torino P. 861 (University of Turin); ongoing
Enrica Ciccone, Il cosiddetto “Papiro Giallo” Torino Cat. 1770: analisi filologica, iconografica e comparativa di un imy-dwAt di XXI dinastia (University of Pisa); ongoing
Erik Iemane, La tavoletta scrittoria con Insegnamento di Amenemope Museo Egizio Cat. 6237 (University of Pisa); ongoing
Letizia Loprieno, Il Libro magico di Iside: edizione critica completa del papiro Torino Cat. 1993 (University of Pisa); finished 2022
Giulia Nardella, Il Libro dei Morti inedito di Djedkhonsuiuefankh (p. Bologna 3163) del Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (University of Pisa); finished 2022
Beatrice Mattioli, Papiro Torino Cat. 1994: analisi filologica e papirologica di un palimsest (University of Pisa); ongoing
Enrico Pozzi, Bild-Text Komposition. Un caso studio: i manoscritti dell’Amduat al Museo Egizio di Torino (University Ca' Foscari Venice); finished 2020
Mattia Ruben Rizzolo, I papiri Cat. 2151 e Cat. 2152 del Museo Egizio di Torino e l'archivio dei choachiti (University of Turin); finished 2024
Silvia Romano, Le versioni papiracee del Libro della vacca celeste conservate nel Museo Egizio di Torino (Cat. 1982 e CGT 54078) (University of Pisa); finished 2025
Cinzia Soddu, Riorganizzazione e edizione del Libro dei Morti della Tuja al Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna (University of Pisa); ongoing
Johanna Ullmann, Eine (Neu-)Edition des Papyrus Turin Cat. 1940+1941 und unpublizierten Fragmenten mit einem Bericht des Syrienfeldzugs Thutmosis' III. (University of Heidelberg); ongoing
Research projects PhD-thesis (ongoing)
Mariantonietta Pascalicchio, Reconstructing the business archive of the temple of Hathor from Pathyris: political, economic, and social attitudes of local priests between the 2nd and the 1st century BCE (University of Helsinki)
Enrico Pozzi, Amduat Papyri (University of Lausanne)
PhD projects funded by the Museo Egizio click here
Research projects PostDoc-thesis
Micòl Di Teodoro, The transmission of literary knowledge on papyrus in Ramesside time. The Turin collection in focus (2019-2022, funding Museo Egizio); publication in preparation
Federico Contardi, Papiri con rituali provenienti da Deir el-Medina: Papiri Torino suppl. 10125a e 10125b (2019-2020, funding Museo Egizio)
The “Turin King List” also known as “Royal Canon” has attracted the attention of Egyptologists since it entered the Museo Egizio in 1824 as part of the Drovetti collection. Over many years, Kim Ryholt has studied the papyrus and proposed a new arrangement of the fragments alongside a new interpretation of the text. The restoration was done in 2022 by Myriam Krutzsch (Berlin). The publication of the "King List" on the verso and the "Tax register" on the recto by Kim Ryholt, Fredrik Hagen and Rob Demarée is ongoing and planed for 2025.
The so-called “Turin Papyrus Map” or “Goldmine Papyrus”, despite being one of the most famous papyri from Egypt, has never been published properly. This is about to change due to the research of Andreas Dorn and Stéphane Polis, who are preparing a proper publication of both the map on the recto and all the verso texts on this more than two meter-long papyrus.
Petra Sijpesteijn, Arabic Papyri in the Museo Egizio (Università di Leida) (in collaboration with Sara Cianetti).
Participants of the 7th International Summer School in Coptic Papyrology: Publication of the Coptic documentary papyri in the Museo Egizio
Thanks to the support of institutions such as Gli Scarabei (Associazione Sostenitori Museo Egizio di Torino) or the Fondazione CRC Cuneo, the Museo Egizio can employ highly experienced papyrus restorers who take care of the conservation and new arrangement of some of the famous Turin papyri such as the so-called “Erotic-Satirical Papyrus” or the "Turin King List".
The Rivista del Museo Egizio includes a number of articles focusing on the written material culture housed at the Museo Egizio. The Museo Egizio launched a research monographs series Studi del Museo Egizio in four languages to make research and information on the Museum’s collection as widely available as possible. A number of monographs are dedicated to the publication of Turin papyrus manuscripts. Furthermore, free download of online publication within the series Formazione e Ricerca include publications dedicated to papyri as well.